
The Love of Money, Not Money, Is the Root of All Kinds of Evil

As a Christian, I am amazed how certain political and religious groups have decided that wealth is evil. Many of the heroes of biblical faith, of world history, and of ...

Student Loans: A Roadblock to this Generation

Student loans are a roadblock to this generation.Current college graduates are leaving school with an average student loan debt of $27,000—and obviously more for private, prestigious, or graduate schools. Altogether, ...

Raising Kids to Have Humility and Gratitude

Money is not evil, but it is very powerful, and, when handled by someone with a weak value system, it can be dangerous. There are some specific ways to safeguard ...

Wealth Is Not Evil, the Worship of Money Is

Editor’s Note: Dave Ramsey’s The Total Money Makeover has just been released in a new classic anniversary edition and is out in bookstores nationwide this month. In this New York ...

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Free Christmas Bible Study!

Free Christmas Bible Study!

Advent isn't just about waiting... let's get ready for Christmas with a fresh sense of anticipation! Join this short 4-week study and get access to 4 study videos with Christine Caine and Lisa Harper and other Advent resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 12/2.