Bible Verses about Strength Say the word strength, and immediately one thinks of diet plans, workout routines, and trips to the gym. The word reminds us of the workout clothes ...
“For the Christian, every day is Thanksgiving Day.” — Billy GrahamConsider the word “Thanksgiving”, and invariably images of family gatherings come to mind. Such gatherings with turkey dinners, pumpkin pies, ...
Thanksgiving has been a great holiday for the church to spread the message of Christ. After all, the feast between the Pilgrims and the Native Americans was to give thanks ...
Family resemblances make for an interesting discussion.Where do your looks come from? Do you have your mother’s nose, your father’s eyes, or your grandmother’s shape? Genetics are passed from generation ...
What is God Like? Hebrews 13:8, reminds us that He is the same yesterday, today, and forever. But has our view of God changed throughout the generations? A.W. Tozer offers ...
Father’s Day is a wonderful day to bestow honor on dads for all that they do for their families.Dads love to get cards and gifts, enjoy their favorite meal, and ...
It’s graduation season! Young adults are making big decisions about their lives and futures. Going out into the world they are determined to make their mark, to find their place, ...
As Easter approaches, many people in American society wrestle with the question, can’t we just overlook the resurrection and believe in Jesus? Some say, there are so many good teachings ...
Please, you’re breaking my heart with your tears! I know exactly what I’m doing. I’m fully prepared to be bound, and more—to die for the name of Jesus, the King.– ...
What is your definition of truth? How often do you bend the truth to avoid trouble? Do you find yourself shielding truth from someone because you think it will protect ...
We hear it all the time, “don’t forget the meaning of Christmas.” Yet how many people know the real meaning of Christmas? According to a survey released this week by ...
What are some of the key Bible verses about children? Children are the reward of one’s youth. Happy, or blessed, is the man who has a quiver full of them. ...
Is Hell Real? We haven’t heard much about hell since the “hellfire and brimstone” era of the church. Today, little if anything is spoken in churches about hell. So the ...
Satan Is RealIs Satan real? Bring up the name of the devil, and invariably the picture of a man dressed in red, with horns and a long tail will come ...
The word worship is often used interchangeably with several elements that are tied to a church. But what is worship? How do we know that what we are doing is ...
What makes a good marriage? Can we have a happy marriage that stands the test of time? We can if we understand and follow what the Bible says on marriage. ...
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