
The Importance of Reading Aloud to Kids (and Getting Truth Deep In Their Hearts!)

I didn’t grow up in a reading home, but when I was in the sixth grade my family moved next to a library and that changed everything. I fell in ...

Don't Carry Your Burdens Alone: 5 Scriptures That Address Key Issues Teens Face Today

I have three teen daughters and one more who is right on their tail. I’ve also raised teen sons into adulthood. (Quite a feat!) During the teen years, there are ...

When Your Grumbles Humble You… and Finding Gratitude Instead

Sometimes it praises our Lord and Father, and sometimes it curses those who have been made in the image of God. And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of ...

Honoring Martin Luther King, Jr.: Teaching Our Kids About Friendship and Faith

As a mom of ten kids I’ve discovered that often the best things we can teach our kids aren’t about things they can see, but they’re about the unseen things. ...

Don't Get Lost in the Middle of Ingratitude

One weekend my whole family traveled with me on a speaking trip to a homeschool conference. John drove and helped at the book table. I spoke. The kids attended workshops ...

Helping Kids Cultivate God’s Goodness in their Lives

What lessons did you learn in the garden as a child?Personally, I remember the wonder of seeing new sprouts poke through the dirt and green strawberries brighten to red under ...

5 Traits of a Good Friend (and How to Help Kids Develop Them)

As a mom of both young kids and older ones, I’ve learned how important it is for my children to find good friends.It’s been said that we are most like ...

Hardships of Teens and Tweens: Why having God's Word to stand on while growing up is important

One of the most challenging times for kids is their tween and teen years. Changes happen rapidly within them and around them. Kids often feel unsure and unsteady. Yet when ...

How to Raise a Strong Girl in a Princess World

When my oldest daughter Leslie was 5-years-old she refused to wear pants… for a whole year… because she was a princess. I thought it was cute for the first month, ...

4 Tips to Help Our Kids Relate to Bible Stories

One of my favorite things to do is read Bible stories with my kids. I grew up going to church, but Bible reading didn’t really happen at home. I loved ...

God's Awesome, Unique Design of All People: Teaching Our Kids About Diversity

We attend an inner-city church in Little Rock, Arkansas. Little Rock is known to be a place of desegregation struggles — past and present. Up until 1957 schools here were ...

5 Big Bible Story Takeaways for Little Ones

Helping to Apply Big Stories to Kids’ Lives Even at a Young AgeI remember snuggling with my son Cory when he was a toddler and reading Bible stories to him. ...

5 Ways to Teach Your Children the Names of God

My husband and I have ten children. Yes, you heard that right… we are a family of twelve –with three biological and seven adopted children!Growing up I wanted a big ...

Adoption: We Are Chosen

For God saved us and called us to live a holy life. He did this, not because we deserved it, but because that was His plan from before the beginning ...

A Letter to Teen Moms: You Are Important

You Are ImportantImportance means having meaning. There are many things that people feel are important for young people: school, good grades, sports, and accomplishments.Ask yourself, What things were important to ...

Tragedy, Loss and Leaving the Amish

Ora JayAugust 27, 1982Children’s laughter met our ears as I pulled up and parked our buggy in front of my cousin Floyd’s house. Floyd and Ruth lived quite a spell ...

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Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Free Online Bible Study by Max Lucado

Are we living in the end times? Join the FREE Online Bible Study with Max Lucado and discover that for followers of Christ, the best is yet to come. Plus, get access to 6 study videos, and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 10/21.