
Beating the If/Then Trap

You can learn a lot about a person’s personal pursuit of happiness by what they post on their refrigerator.Take, for example, a woman who visited my church many years ago. ...

Dare to Rest Challenge - Week 1: The Badge of Busyness

Enemy #1 of Rest – The Badge of BusynessAsk someone the simple question, “How are you?” and as a reply, you’ll probably hear phrases like “super busy,” “swamped,” “overwhelmed,” and ...

The Exhausting Pursuit of Happiness

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When our Founding Fathers dipped their quill pens in inkwells in 1776 to draft the Declaration of Independence, they declared these unalienable rights ...

You Can Move On!

Watch the Move On Trailer“I don’t make messes. I make catastrophes!”To some degree, we can all agree with this statement. Jesus lived a perfect life. The rest of us miss ...

Abortion: God Met Me In My Grief

I was barely seventeen when I sat in the waiting room of an abortion clinic.No one knew I was pregnant, except my boyfriend and a coworker who had recommended the ...

Free Resources

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Free Bible Study featuring 6 of your favorite Bible teachers

Unpack the incredible stories of 6 women in the Old Testament! Join the FREE Online Bible Study and get access to 6 study videos and other Bible study resources - all free when you sign up! Study starts 4/21